Enjoying sherry wine / cocktails / Manzanilla


With Manzanilla


Lewis Carroll was a renaissance man of his time, and so too can this cocktail shine in a multitude of contexts, though as Carroll was at his best with the pen, our Jabberwocky cocktail most certainly shines brightest alongside a slain jabberwocky beast of Grilled Octopus with smoked paprika, buttered potatoes, preserved lemon, capers, and parsley.

"Oh, frabjous day! Callooh! Callay!"




Add all ingredients to a chilled mixing glass with ice and stir.  Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.  Garnish with a lemon twist.


Author , San Francisco, California United States of America


Serving and consuming

Manzanilla with food

Manzanilla combines perfectly with fish and seafood, as well as with salted fish and cured meats.

Thanks to its low acidity, it is, together with Fino, the perfect choice to accompany salads, cold soups and dressings. 

  • Always serve very chilled

    Use an ice bucket with both ice and water to serve chilled between 6 & 8º C.

  • The wine of the sea

    Perfect with fish, seafood and all styles of food from the sea.

  • Style of Glass

    In traditional wide rimmed catavinos or in a white wine glass.