Cooking time: 30 min
In a pan, fry the potatoes already cut into dices. When the potatoes are clear, remove and put aside. Take a part of the oil and then in the same pan, fry the garlic and the onion, chopped into thin pieces adding sweet and spicy paprika to taste. Add tomato and sauté it for 5 minutes. Add the peas and cook for another 5 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Then, pour the finely chopped red peppers and the fried potatoes into the pan, mix well and cook for another 10 minutes, again stirring occasionally. Add salt to taste. Divide the mixture into 6 individual clay casseroles. Crack an egg on top of each one and top with a slice of jamon on one side and chorizo on the other side. Put in the oven for about 5 minutes until the eggs are set.
The ideal temperature at which to serve an Oloroso is at between 12 and 14ºC.
This is the most suitable wine to accompany red meat and game. It combines perfectly with meat stews and casseroles; especially gelatinous meat such as bull's tail or cheeks. The perfect match for wild mushrooms and well cured cheeses.
Serve it between 12° and 14° C in a white wine glass.
Ideal accompaniment for prolonging the sensation of intense flavours.
Its composition allows it to be stored in open bottles for months.