
COPA JEREZ Meet the Team Ödenturm Germany

12 May 2017

Describe Sherry in 3 words

Delicious, varied, noble.

Do you have a philosophy when it comes to pairing Sherry with food, or for creating food to pair with Sherry?

The Sherry aromas should harmonize with the food and vice versa. But it should be always a tasteful kick, an aroma that surprises - this makes the duo really exciting.

What is your favorite non-traditional Sherry pairing?

For a BBQ-Party our favorite is: Smoky pulled pork, BBQ- Sauce & coleslaw paired with Oloroso. The couple fit perfectly and the guests are always impressed.

Why did you want to participate in Copa Jerez?

Because Sherry is a great wine with a long tradition and culture and brilliant future. We want to be part of Sherry by increasing the interest and the knowledge of Sherry to our guest.

If you could serve your pairings from Copa Jerez anywhere in the world other than your restaurant

Where would it be?

On the beach (Sanlucar de Barrameda), at sunset.

Who would you like to serve them to?

Jancis Robinson (MW), Pharrell Williams (Musician), Haruki Murakami (Author),  Julia Komp (youngest Michelin-Star Chef in Germany), Rüdiger Safranski (Philosopher, Germany), Tiger Woods (Golf Professional), Catherine Duchess of Chambridge , Antonia Rados (RTL-Journalist, Germany), Joaquin Cortés (Flamenco Dancer) – everyone has different access to sherry and that makes this company very exciting.

What would the soundtrack be?

“Happy” from Pharrell Williams

The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily represent those of El Consejo Regulador.
International news, events, recipes, culture and history, brought to you by the Sherry Wines Council (El Consejo Regulador Jerez-Xeres-Sherry & Manzanilla ).

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