
Meet Sherry Week Ambassador Angel Teta

19 October 2015

Couldn't have said it better myself! 'If penicillin can cure those that are ill, Spanish sherry can bring the dead back to life.' - Sir Alexander Fleming

Angel Teta, the bar manager at Ataula, a tapas restaurant in NW Portland, loves to drink all libations, be it Sherry, or a well built cocktail. She often finds herself competing and volunteering for cocktail weeks across the country, but she's most at home behind the stick with her Ataula familia. The hospitality industry has always been very close to her heart, and she counts herself lucky to be able to be a part of it with every shift at the bar, every bite of great food from talented chefs, and every sip of the amazing drinks she gets to imbibe upon.

Try her favorite Sherry pairing, Mini Rossejat Negre and Navazos En Rama Fino.

Author Vinos de Jerez


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