Philip Saunter

Frankreich / Miramont de Guyenne

Philip Saunter

Having been a lover of the wines of Jerez since my grandmother gave me Sherry at Christmas, my passion developed when I opened a tapas bar, Los Gatos, in Swindon UK in 2006.
At Los Gatos we held regular Sherry tastings and Sherry dinners to raise awareness of what these wonderful wines have to offer. I was fortunate to be accepted on the Sherry Educators course in October 2015 and continued to promote enjoyment of these unique wines whenever given the opportunity.
In 2020, due to the pandemic, we were forced to sell Los Gatos and have subsequently retired to France. Located in Lot-y-Garonne (47800).
In the future I hope to spread a love of these special wines in France.


None Miramont de Guyenne