Yvonne Heistermann

Alemania / 76185 Karlsruhe

Yvonne Heistermann

Professional Career
- since 08/2000 Independent Sommelière:
* Prof. of the German Wine- & Sommelierschool in Koblenz
* Member of the examining board of the Chamber of Commerce in Koblenz
* Performance of many wine-tastings together with restaurants and wineshops
* Cooperation with some wineries
* independent journalist
* Jury Member of international degustations, e.g. Mondial du Pinot noir (Switzerland), Mondial du Chasselas (Switzerland) and Bundesweinprämierung in Germany, Portugal Wine Challenge 2013
- 2008 Ambassadeur du Champagne d’Allemagne (Prix CIVC)
- 2008 Book of Hungarian Wines
- 2009 Swiss Pocket Guide: Die Weine Deutschlands
- 2015 TOP 50 Sommeliers Busche Verlag


None 76185 Karlsruhe