For Sherries served with puddings, we highly recommend Pedro Ximénez as the sweetest of Sherry wines. As a general rule, it is considered appropriate for the Sherry drunk at the end of a meal to be sweeter than the pudding with which it is paired.


Charlotte Alicia

Heat the milk and wine together. Cook the condensed milk in a bain-marie for 1 hour, turning the tin over halfway through, then allow to cool thoroughly. Beat the cream until stiff, then add to the condensed milk, folding it in gently with a rubber spatula to give a dense, creamy consistency. Cover the bottom of a deep mould with a layer of boudoir biscuits dipped in the warm milk then drained. Spread a layer of the creamy mixture on top and sprinkle with a handful of chopped walnuts and glacé fruit. Repeat the process until you have used all the ingredients, finishing with a layer of sponge. Place in the fridge for at least 6 hours, or overnight.

Turn the mould out onto a serving dish (you can also make it in a deep dish and simply serve from that). Melt the chocolate and the butter together, adding a slosh of sherry brandy and stirring well (take care not to let it boil), then pour and spread over the charlotte.


作者 ,



Pedro Ximénezとフード

ペドロ・ヒメネスは12 - 14º Cに少し冷やしてお召し上がりください。ただし、若いワインはもっと低い温度でも、とても冷たくても大丈夫です。


  • いつも低めの温度で

    12° から 14° C の間で、白ワイングラスでお楽しみ下さい。

  • このワイン自体がデザートです。


  • グラスの種類
