シェリーを楽しむ / ペアリングとレシピ / Fino

Crunchy cheese textures with Fino


The intention was that various aperitifs could be eaten at the same time in just one dish, specifically salted meat, pickles and nuts, allof which I believe marry very well with the nuanced lightness of a good Fino Sherry, which further enhances the flavour of the dish. I think the mix of ingredients along with the wine crisp gives a real explosión of flavour on the palate. It is about eating various aperitifs with Fino in one mouthful. I hope you enjoy it !!!



Crunchy cheese textures with Fino

Traditional method

Start by making little balls with the goat´s cheese and coat them with the mojama. Cut the cured cheese into small cubes. Lay aside.

Quenelle of Fino Sherry

Steep the gelatine in cold wáter for a couple of minutes.

Put a pan on the heat and add the cream and the sugar till it is hot without allowing it to boil. Remove from the heat and add the gelatine, stirring continuously till it is well integrated.

Next add the Fino Sherry and the cream cheese stirring well till the mix is well blended. Pour the mix into quenelle moulds and chill in the fridge for at least two hours.

Sherry wine crisp

Pour the Fino into a pan and boil it for a couple of minutes to reduce it, then allow to cool.

Using a blender, mix the Fino, butter, sugar and flour until all the ingredients are integrated.

Spread the cream made beforehand onto a sheet of baking paper and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes, then remove and allow to cool.

Plating up

Onto the centre of the plate sprinkle the crushed almond and two spoonfuls of mojama and place the quenelles around this, placing on top of them the chopped onion in vinegar. Place the little mojama coated goat´s cheese balls around them, the Fino Sherry crisp and the Little chunks of cured cheese.

Thermomix method

Start by making little balls with the goat´s cheese and coat them with the mojama. Cut the cured cheese into small cubes. Lay aside.

Quenelle of Fino Sherry

Steep the gelatine in cold wáter for a couple of minutes.

Put the cream, gelatine and sugar into the Thermomix beaker for 3 minutes at 80 degrees and at speed 1. Then add the cream cheese and the Fino for 15 seconds at speed 5.

Pour the mix into quenelle moulds and chill in the fridge for at least two hours.

Sherry wine crisp

Put the Fino into the Thermomix beaker for 2 minutes at 90 degrees at speed 1. Next add the butter, flour and sugar for 15 seconds at speed 4.

Spread the cream made beforehand onto a sheet of baking paper and bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15 minutes, then remove and allow to cool.

Plating up

Onto the centre of the plate sprinkle the crushed almond and two spoonfuls of mojama and place the quenelles around this, placing on top of them the chopped onion in vinegar. Place the little mojama coated goat´s cheese balls around them, the Fino Sherry crisp and the little chunks of cured cheese.

作者 , Spain







  • 常によく冷やしてお楽しみください

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