シェリーを楽しむ / ペアリングとレシピ / Pedro Ximénez

Macarena Strawberry Dessert

Pedro Ximénezとペア

For Sherries served with puddings, we highly recommend Pedro Ximénez as the sweetest of Sherry wines. As a general rule, it is considered appropriate for the Sherry drunk at the end of a meal to be sweeter than the pudding with which it is paired.


Macarena Strawberry Dessert

Wash and hull the strawberries and cut in half. Place in a bowl and sprinkle with the vinegar, cream sherry and half the sugar, and leave to macerate for 1 hour. Heat the milk with the brandy, vanilla and the rest of the sugar. Dip in the sponges and line the base and sides of a mould or dish with them (keep the side sponges drier). Spread a layer of confectioners custard over the sponge base, top with a layer of drained strawberries, then cover with another layer of dipped sponge fingers, repeating the process until you have used up all the ingredients. If you are going to serve it from the same dish, finish with a layer of custard and decorate with strawberries. If you are using a mould, finish with a layer of sponge and decorate with whipped cream and strawberries: place in the freezer for 6 to 12 hours, moving it to the fridge 2 hours before turning it out.


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Pedro Ximénezとフード

ペドロ・ヒメネスは12 - 14º Cに少し冷やしてお召し上がりください。ただし、若いワインはもっと低い温度でも、とても冷たくても大丈夫です。


  • いつも低めの温度で

    12° から 14° C の間で、白ワイングラスでお楽しみ下さい。

  • このワイン自体がデザートです。


  • グラスの種類
