シェリーを楽しむ / ペアリングとレシピ / Amontillado

Roasted Vegetable Risotto


Recipe created by Laura Hadland for the International Sherry Week Blog Contest 2019



Roasted Vegetable Risotto

- Preheat the oven to 220’C.
- Mix the vegetables with olive oil, honey, smoked paprika and sherry. Season to taste.
- Pour the mixture into a roasting tray. Bung it in the oven for 30 minutes or until the vegetables are cooked with crisp edges.
- Meanwhile, fry the onion and garlic gently in butter and olive oil in a pan.
- When they are soft and translucent, add the smoked paprika and fry gently for 30 seconds to a minute. Then deglaze the pan with a slosh of Amontillado.
- Add the rice and cook for another minute.
- Mix the passata and hot stock together and gradually add to the rice. Allow each ladle of liquid to be absorbed before you put more in.
- Keep stirring to stop the rice sticking and to help to release the rice starch.
- After about 20 minutes or so all the liquid should be gone, leaving a creamy risotto with al dente rice. You want it cooked all’onda (with waves) according to the Italians.
- Stir in another knob of butter, your roasted vegetables, kale and other veg that doesn’t need much cooking, fried mushrooms and hazelnuts – reserving a little hazelnut to garnish.

Et voila! Serve with a glass of Amontillado. Chill it in the fridge, but taken out half an hour before serving (approximately when you started the risotto). Please let me know how you got on in the comments. I’d love to hear about your favourite sherry pairings on Twitter! Share your thoughts with #SherryWeek to be a part of the conversation.


作者 , United Kingdom






  • 低めの温度で、白ワイングラスで

    12° から 14° C の間で、白ワイングラスでお楽しみ下さい。

  • 辛口だが凝縮した味わい


  • グラスで楽しむのに理想的
