Finalist in the 2015 U.S. Sherry Cocktail Competition
La Frontera is simple, rich, and flavorful. It's a great vehicle for exploring Sherry in a new way at the end of a meal.
In the following order, combine the ingredients in a shaker: lemon juice, orgeat, Smith and Cross Rum, Amontillado, then egg. Add 5-6 walnut-sized chunks of ice and shake with gusto until well chilled (20-30 seconds). Strain off ice and shake again to build the body of the cocktail (another 10-15 seconds). Fine-strain into your chilled stemware, such as an oversized martini glass. Finish the cocktail by spraying a mist of Cavendish tobacco tincture over the top. Enjoy.
12° から 14° C の間で、白ワイングラスでお楽しみ下さい。