Fino Sherry, a dry white wine made from Palomino grapes, complements this refreshingly sweet and savory rice salad. The light and crisp sherry balances the sweetness of the raisins and apples and helps cut the richness of the olive oil and saltiness of the black olives.


Rice Salad with Sherry

Boil the rice until al dente, drain in a sieve and rinse under the cold tap, then set aside. Peel the onions and chop finely. Peel the apples and dice finely. Prepare the mushrooms and slice finely. Wash the raisins thoroughly under the tap and leave to drain.

Heat the oil gently in a large pan and add the onions, cooking them slowly over a low heat and stirring frequently so that they soften without browning. This should take about 5 minutes. Add the diced apple and cook for 3 minutes longer. Now add the olives and almonds (keeping back a few of both for garnish), mushrooms, raisins and fino sherry, and season lightly with salt and pepper. Allow the mixture to cook over a low heat for 10 to 15 minutes, stirring occasionally. Remove from the heat and set aside.

Place the cooked rice in a large bowl and gradually add the mixture to it, folding it in thoroughly with a wooden spoon. Transfer to a serving dish and decorate the top with black olives and almonds.


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  • 常によく冷やしてお楽しみください

    アイスバケツに氷と水を入れて、 6 - 8º C でお召し上がりください。

  • おつまみに最適


  • グラスの種類
