シェリーを楽しむ / ペアリングとレシピ / Fino

Sea Bream with Amontillado


Fino Sherry, a dry white wine made from Palomino grapes, pairs beautifully with the fattiness of the butter and cream, while complementing the flavor of the sea bream and its juices. The delicate nutty and wild herb undertones of the wine also bring out the onion and the pepper in the dish.


Sea Bream with Amontillado

Clean, gut and rinse the fish, leaving the head on, and dry it thoroughly. Peel the onions and cut into rings. Place the sliced onions in an ovenproof tin or dish and put the fish on top, seasoning it with salt and pepper, inside and out. Dot half the butter over the top, and pour over a generous amount of amontillado. Add a cup of water, then cook in a pre-heated hot oven for at least 20 to 25 minutes. Remove the fish, place on a serving dish and allow to cool slightly, then remove the skin before it gets cold. Pass the onions and cooking juices through a fine sieve, pressing well. Use the remaining butter and the flour to make a roux, then gradually stir in the hot, strained fish liquor. Cook gently over a low heat for about 20 minutes, then add the cream and check the seasoning, adjusting salt, wine and pepper if necessary. The sauce should be thin in consistency, with rich fish and wine flavours. Optionally, you can add a small teaspoon of mustard at this point, taking care to mix it in well. Pour some of the sauce over the fish and the rest into a jug for serving at the table. This dish may be served hot or cold. Endive salad and steamed new potatoes go well with it.


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  • 常によく冷やしてお楽しみください

    アイスバケツに氷と水を入れて、 6 - 8º C でお召し上がりください。

  • おつまみに最適


  • グラスの種類
