
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z
Cabecear (cabeceo): To blend (blending). The operation of blending musts or wines, or of blending these with vinous alcohol.// Mar. Movement of a boat in a vertical gyratory action on an imaginary axis, perpendicular to the keel, with stem and stern rising and falling alternately.// Acad. In sherry viticulture, to make a single wine out of different types.
Cabero: Heel of a loaf of dark bread, usually filled with olive oil or dripping.
Cabezuelas: Lees in musts.// Acad. Dregs formed two to three months after having racked the must off lees.
Cachón: Short tier, composed of few butts.
Calle: Aisle between two rows of butts in a winery.
Calzar: Operation of putting wooden chocks in position to keep the butts in place.// Acad. To fit a wedge between the ground and a wheel of a vehicle or machine to immobilise it.
Cama: Wedge-shape cut at one end of the loading poles.// Mar. Indentation left in the sand or mud by a boat that has run aground.
Capataz: Winery or vineyard foreman, in charge of other workers. Known by different names according to his duties.// Acad. The person who directs or supervises other workers.
Capataz de corvillo: Person in charge of a team of harvesters.
Capataz de cuadrilla: Person in charge of a team of winery workmen who supervises operations.
Capataz de lagares: Person in charge of all the operations in the press-house.
Capataz de podadores: Person in charge of training apprentice pruners.
Capataz de viña: The person entrusted by the vineyard proprietor with managing the farming of the vineyard, keeping the holding, equipment and buildings in good order, and hiring and directing the workers.
Casa (de lagares): Part of the caserío housing the wine-presses.
Casa (de la gente): Workers living and sleeping quarters within the caserío.
Caserío (casa de la viña): Vineyard homestead, generally encompassing the foremans house, workers quarters, press-house, store-houses, stables and workshops.
Casquero: Skilled cooper responsible for making the barrel or container.
Castra (castrar): Pruning (to prune) green growth to get rid of superfluous knobs and rectify previous pruning if necessary.// Acad. To prune.
Catador (capataz de venencia): Taster. Person responsible for the organoleptic quality of musts and wines.
Catana: Slice of bread moistened in gazpacho and then dressed with olive oil.
Cavabien: Deep tilling done with an azada to bury weeds and protect the vines.
Cavadores: Tillers. Men who dig the vineyard.
Cejo (echar las botas al): Action of lifting butts laterally onto thepalos de escalera. This involves positioning the butt obliquely to the wooden beams, with the head resting on one of them, then rolling it until it engages with the beam and can be manoeuvred into position on both of them.
Chanflete: Chamfer. Bevelled surface given to the edges of cask staves so that they fit together.
Chiquichanca: Vine-growers apprentice.
Chivir: To chive; to joint. Cooperage operation of planing the edges of the staves and pieces used for the heads.
Clarejones: Must that retains lees during the racking off process.
Claros: Clean, transparent young wine (must, in Jerez usage) obtained by racking off the lees// Acad. Clean, pure, unencumbered.
Clasificación: Operation carried out when fermentation has finished, to categorise wine according to qualities.// Acad. The act and effect of classifying.
Color de Macetilla: A quality vino de color obtained by fermenting a mixture of arrope and unfermented must.
Color remendado: A vino de color in which arrope is mixed with already fermented must.
Color (vino de): Wine of intense colour and colouring capacity, used in blends.
Comegen (comején): Termite. An insect that attacks wood.// Mar. Woodworm.// Acad. A white insect, five to six millimetres long, that lives by forming colonies in damp places in hot climates, and makes its nests in trees. It makes its way into all kinds of materials, mainly wood and the like, and eats away at them.
Contrear: To place flat buffers between contiguous butts so that they are in contact via them rather than directly.
Cordón: Edge of the staves used for the ends of casks.
Corredor: Dealer who specialises in buying and selling wines.// Mar. Name given to a speaker of languages who acts as interpreter to the captains of foreign merchant ships in declarations and complaints, and assists them in buying and selling transactions.// Acad. A person whose job it is to assist in auctions, contracts and buying and selling of any type of goods.
Corrida (de escalas): Running the scales. Operation of decanting wine from each sequence of butts containing similar wine of the same age to another, older one. (v.Rocío).// Acad. (Arch.) Flow or movement of a liquid.
Corte (al): Extracting wine from butts, starting with the butt in the top tier, proceeding to the one immediately beneath it, and so on down to the solera (ground level) layer, i.e. across the horizontal lines that represent the different scales.// Mar. Moving from one side of a particular line to the other, crossing it.
Costa: Vineyard workers daily meals, communally organised by the encargado de la costa.
Costa (encargado de la): Person elected from among those making up a rancho to take charge of organising communal eating.
Costero: Person responsible for buying the provisions for the workers, and other goods, and transporting them to the vineyard.
Cream: One of the Fortified Liqueur Wines defined by the Denomination of Origins Regulations, mahogany in colour to differing degrees of intensity, and with residual matter content over 115 gr per litre.
Criadera: Nursery. Each of the scales in a criadera and solera system, made up of a collection of butts containing wine of a homogeneous level of maturation.// Acad. Prolifically reproductive.
Crujía: Central aisle, generally wider than the rest, running transversally across the winery.// Mar. Section of the deck extending from stem to stern between the ropes; also used for the area between the ropes and the artillery.// Acad. Long passage in some buildings giving access to rooms.
Cuadrilla: In the vineyard: a hierarchically organised group of nine to eleven vine-workers. In the winery: a group of fourarrumbadores.// Acad. Assemblage of people to carry out some activity or for specific purposes.
Cuartear: Act of raising a butt to the second tier by four pulls on the cintero. Each pull turns the butt a quarter way round.// Mar. Referring to the nautical compass, to announce the course, specifying headings.// Acad. To split up or divide something into four parts.
Cuartillo: Measure of wine volume, equivalent to 1/32 arrobas.