Genieten van sherry / combinaties en recepten / Pale Cream

Sherry Trifle

Combineren met: Pale Cream


Cooking time: 1 hour

A classic combination of ingredients combining sherry with fruit, custard and cream. Pale cream compliments the combination of ingredients perfectly.


Sherry Trifle

Place the sponge fingers on the bottom of a decorative bowl and sprinkel generously with sherry, don't be shy!

Put the chopped fruit on top of the sponge layer. Make the jelly separately according to the instructions given, pour the jelly mixture into the trifle bowl, on top of the fruit and the sponge, then leave to set.

Pour the custard on top of the set jelly to make another layer of the Trifle. Chill until the custard is set. Top with whipped cream and decorate as you like.


Schrijver , Verenigd Koninkrijk


Serveren en consumeren

Pale Cream met voedsel

Pale Cream moet gekoeld geserveerd worden op ongeveer 7º C.

De ideale wijn in combinatie met eendelever en pâté.

Erg lekker met vers fruit (peer).

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