Genieten van sherry / combinaties en recepten / Oloroso

Oxtail Andalucian Style

Combineren met: Oloroso


Cooking time: 3 hours

The unique aroma and body of the Oloroso are perfect for complementing and enhancing strong flavoured dishes. The wine's dryness cleans our palate preparing it, as no other wine can, to enjoy the gelatinous texture of the meat.


Oxtail Andalucian Style

Cut up the oxtails (or get your butcher to do it) and wash them thoroughly. Peel the onions and carrots and cut into rings and rounds respectively.

Place the oxtails in a deep pan, cover with cold water, and add half the carrots, onions and herbs. Bring to the boil, then skim the surface, cover the pan and allow to cook over a low heat for 4 to 5 hours until the meat is tender. In a frying pan, gently fry the finely chopped garlic, the diced ham, the remaining onions and a bay leaf. Sprinkle 2 to 3 tablespoons of flour over the contents of the frying pan and mix in. When it starts to colour, pour in the wine and a large cupful of the oxtail cooking liquor. Place the oxtails in a deep pan and cover them with this mixture. Check for seasoning, adding more salt, wine and herbs if necessary, and allow to cook gently in this sauce over a low heat for an hour. Optionally, you can add more wine to the recipe, or make it with oloroso sherry. You can also add hot pimentón (Spanish paprika), though I personally would not advise it.

Serve the oxtail in its sauce in an earthenware dish, with fried or sauté potatoes on the side.


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Oloroso met voedsel

De ideale temperatuur waarin je Oloroso kunt schenken is tussen 12 en 14ºC. 

De wijn is een prima begeleider voor rood vlees en fazant.Het is perfecte combinatie voor stoofschotels en casseroles; met name gelatine-achtig vlees zoals ossestaart of varkenswangen.

Maar de Oloroso is ook de perfecte combinatie met wilde paddenstoelen en gerijpte kazen.

  • Licht gekoeld in een witte wijnglas

    Serveer temperatuur tussen 12° en 14° C en in een witte wijnglas.

  • Zacht en Persistent

    Ideale wijn voor een lange afdronk van intense smaken.

  • Probleemloos voor langere tijd houdbaar

    In verband met de unieke samenstelling, kan deze wijn ondanks opening nog maanden bewaard worden.